What can break your fast during Ramadan

Fasting Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam, and it is not permissible for an adult Muslim of sound mind who is accountable to break the fast in Ramadan except with an excuse, such as travelling, sickness and the like.

What can break your fast during Ramadan
Tameem Qureshi
If the fast is broken accidentally, you can do qaza (making up) suffices.

Fasting Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam, and it is not permissible for an adult Muslim of sound mind who is accountable to break the fast in Ramadan except with an excuse, such as travelling, sickness and the like. Whoever breaks the fast – even for one day – with no excuse has committed a major sin and has exposed himself to the wrath and punishment of Allah.

Avoid doing anything that may render your fast invalid

Things that invalidate the fast and require qadaa' (making up for these days) are the following:

Eating and drinking on purpose/ intentionally , you should never eat or drink anything in Ramadan if you feel hungry it is not an excuse to eat or drink which will break your fast. Also smoking deliberately which means smoking on purpose is haram because you are inhaling something that is harmful in to your body during the holy month which is definitely going to break your fast, Deliberately causing yourself to vomit or vomiting a mouthful can break your fast vomiting will break the fast because the fast only requires compensation (qadha). However, if less than a mouthful vomit goes back unintentionally, the fast can still continue. Telling Lies about the Prophet or about Allah(SWT) can break your fast and is a big sin, Letting out blood like cupping or similar to that can break your fast because blood is leaving your body which breaks your fast,Taking medicines, pills and injections can break your fast because you are entering something into your body.

Also During Ramadan if you are travelling or if you are sick you can make up for the fasts by fasting the days absent after Ramadan.If you break your fast deliberately/intentionally or on purpose breaking the fast requires a kaffara (atonement) which is either the feeding of sixty poor persons, or fasting for sixty consecutive days for each day missed. If the fast is broken accidentally, you can do qaza (making up) suffices.  

Overall any of the following invalidates the fast: eating or drinking, telling lies about Allah and/or His Messenger (S), immersing the entire head in water, deliberate inhalation of smoke, taking injections whereby nourishing liquids reach the stomach, deliberate vomiting, intentionally passing an object through the throat, and if done accidentally or unintentionally you can make up by fasting after ramadan by doing  (qaza) (making up) or if a fast is broken intentionally it requires Kaffara (atonement).

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